От: eg3.com Editorial Dept [info@eg3.com]
Отправлено: 1 июня 2005 г. 21:10
Кому: Michael Dolinsky
Тема: Embedded, DSP, Busses, SOC - eCLIPS Best of the Web ...

1 June 2005 - eg3.com e-clips
  www.eg3.com/eCLIPS - info@eg3.com

   embedded, dsp, busses, soc - e-clips june best of the web...
each month, the eg3.com editorial staff surveys thousands of web sites to identify the 'best' or 'most interesting' news, white papers, demo's, and other electronic design sites - focused specifically on designers of electronic products. here are our highlights and top choices from the last thirty days. comments please to info@eg3.com.


  • embedded processor forum : fpgas and older architectures
  • windows devcon : sometimes second sources are first choices
  • new web sites : recommended, cool new sites
  • conference calendar : upcoming events

FPGA-Based PMC Card with 4 Fiber Optic Channels from VMETRO
By coupling the fiber optic communications with a user programmable FPGA, the PMC-FPGA03F PMC Module can perform a host of demanding signal processing tasks efficiently before the data reaches the host processor. Windows, VxWorks and Linux supported.
    embedded processor forum : fpgas and older architectures
At Spring Processor Forum , formerly known as 'Embedded Processor Forum,' the two FPGA giants, Xilinx and rival Altera continued to show that programmable logic is where the real semiconductor action is, these days. And of greater import, both companies continue to make their FPGAs easier to use, via low cost 'development kits.'

Altera , for example, announced that it has begun to ship Cyclone™ II development kits, enhancing its product offering for its second-generation low-cost FPGA family. Target designs are Nios® II, DSP, and PCI. Xilinx wowed the crowd with version 4.0 of its MicroBlaze™ soft processor . And company partner, Memec introduced 'Mini-modules' in support of Xilinx . Each Memec Mini-Module is a pin-compatible daughterboard containing a Xilinx® Virtex-4 or Spartan-3 FPGA, associated peripherals and configuration hardware that plugs onto a development board or end-user system board. Kits are priced at $250 and $195, respectively. Release, here .

Not at the show, but important nonetheless was an announcement by Hitex of an 'SOC Platform for 8051 Devices,' namely a kit for software development of 8051-based SOC's. Release here . The 8051 never dies, it just keeps going and going and going.

So does the x86. AMD continued its commitment to the embedded marketplace with an important x86 'Geode' announcement. 'Geode' marries the wealth of applications and tools for the x86 architecture to the ubiquity of software for Microsoft Windows®, allowing users to leverage business and consumer applications on low-power, fan-less portable products. Release here .

    windows devcon : sometimes second sources are first choices
AMD had both impeccable timing, between the 'Spring Processor Forum' and 'Windows Devcon,' as well as between the x86 architecture and the continuing growth of Microsoft Windows as an embedded software platform. It seems like the 'second sources' are often better than the originals.

On the software side, May showcased Microsoft 's Developer Forum or MEDC for 'Microsoft Embedded Developer Conference.' At the highest level of generality, Microsoft provides an interactive survey to 'choose' the best flavor of Windows, here .

Primarily, developers choose Windows CE for smaller, more RTOS-sensitive consumer applications and Windows XP Embedded for larger, less power-sensitive, and less RTOS-stringent applications. A third variant - full desktop Windows XP with RTOS enhancements - is worthy of close consideration.

Windows XP, after all, is valuable for its powerful graphics capabilities, the depth of software available for the platform, and its ability to interface easily with back office and 'non-embedded' PC applications. That said, the most interesting items at Windows Devcon came from companies that enhanced desktop XP to act in a realtime/embedded environment:

  • KUKA Controls - the company's real-time extension, CeWin® allows Windows to coexist with an RTOS in the same application;
  • Ardence , which recently announced the latest version of RTX, its own varient of an embedded real-time solution for Windows operating systems; and
  • TenAsys , whose INtime 3.0 represents a real-time extension for Windows XP.

Each solution has its adherents and its detractors, which argue against each other in a fashion similar to the various approaches that exist in the Linux space to making Linux behave like a true RTOS. The best bet is to contact each vendor, and discover for yourself if the secondary solutions to making Windows real-time are better than the primary solutions available from Microsoft . Still interested in Windows? Don't miss the Windows Embedded OEM Technical Seminars and the official home page at Microsoft .

   new web sites: recommended, cool new sites
Among cool sites of the month, EDN released their 2005 DSP Directory , with increased emphasis on non traditional DSPs. GreenSocs™ caught our attention as a possible Berkeley co-op for organic food, but it turned out to be an Open Source initiative to encourage the growth of SystemC . Another Open Source gem is an excellent white paper on licensing variants, Open Source Licensing: What Every OEM Should Know .

Broke? Unemployed? Try your luck and skill in the Philips ARM Design Contest 2005 , grand prize of $3000. Or get the eBox-II Windows CE 5.0 JumpStart Kit - not a contest, but an excellent way to try your luck with Windows CE 5.0.

> To browse all 'best of the web' sites, for the last thirty days, click here .
   conference calendar: upcoming events

( conference, 4 stars ) - 6/5/2005, Chicago
SuperComm 2005
SUPERCOMM is the global marketplace for communications technologies, systems, and ideas. Through nearly 800 exhibitors and 200+ educational sessions, SUPERCOMM's participants gain a clear perspective on what's ahead, no matter what decisions they face.

( conference, 4 stars ) - 6/6/2005, San Jose
PCI-SIG Developers Conference 2005
The PCI-SIG Developers Conference 2005 will be the premier technology training event for systems architects, designers, engineers and engineering managers who are working toward compliance and interoperability with PCI Express® Architecture, PCI-X® 2.0 and Conventional PCI.

( conference, 4 stars ) - 6/13/2005, Anaheim
Design Automation Conference
The 42nd Design Automation Conference (DAC) is the premier annual event for the electronic design automation (EDA) industry, focusing on the integration of EDA tools and design methodologies for effective system-level design.

( seminar, 4 stars ) - 6/14/2005, Various Cities
An open standards approach to developing data-critical networked applications.
Real-Time Innovations has combined open architecture real-time publish-subscribe middleware together with a relational database management system (RDBMS). To learn more about this advanced new architecture for developing data-critical networked applications, sign up for this complimentary technical seminar. Lunch will be hosted by Real-Time Innovations. Seating is limited. Register today!

( conference, 4 stars ) - 6/20/2005, Orlando
Freescale Technology Forum
If you design for automotive, consumer electronics, industrial control, motor control, networking or wireless applications, you won't want to miss this event. We've combined previous Freescale Semiconductor developer events, including the Smart Networks Developer Forum and the Embedded Connectivity Summit, with additional technology information from our company and our partners.

> To browse all 'conferences' , click here .
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